vid kriser kan detta perspektiv med fördel kombineras med den tankeram kring sensemaking som utvecklas av Karl Weick och medarbetare.


Sensemaking. Weick (1979, 1995) presents a model of organi-zational sensemaking based on a conceptualiza-tion of organizations as "loosely coupled" sys-tems in which individual participants have great latitude in interpreting and implementing direc-tions. He stresses the autonomy of individuals and the looseness of the relations linking indi-

On the one hand, sensemaking aims to provide clarity and meaning to obscure phenomena (Weick, 1969, 1979, 1995); on the other hand, the conceptual This volume brings together the best-known and most influential articles on sensemaking by one of its most distinguished exponents, Karl Weick. Weick explores the process of how organizations discover that they face important decisions. This chapter introduces “sensemaking” as a key leadership capability for the complex and dynamic world we live in today. Sensemaking, a term introduced by Karl Weick, refers to how we structure the unknown so as to be able to act in it. Sensemaking involves coming up with a plausible understanding—a map—of a shifting world; 2020-12-06 · Sensemaking in organizations: by Karl E. Weick (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995), 231 pp. March 1997 Scandinavian Journal of Management 13(1):113–116 ‘Mensen geven aan verschillende dingen betekenis. Met sensemaking kun je je eigen beelden toetsen.

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Yet, while Weick’s (1993) seminal article on the collapse of sensemaking in organizations has been widely cited in the educational literature, it has rarely been applied to the problem of school failure in the face of organizational change. This volume brings together the best-known and most influential articles on sensemaking by one of its most distinguished exponents, Karl Weick. Weick explores the process of how organizations discover that they face important decisions. Weick also extensively discusses where and how this 'making of sense' happens.

Sensemaking in Organizations – Köp som bok, ljudbok och e-bok. av Karl E Weick. Jämför och hitta det billigaste priset på Sensemaking in Organizations innan 

(Antonovsky, 1991). • Sensemaking – Processer för att göra. situationen begriplig.

Karl E. Weick 4. Sensemaking involves turning circumstances into a situation thatis comprehended explicitly in words or speech and that serves asa springboard into action. 5. Sensemaking involves turning circumstances into a situation thatis comprehended explicitly in words or speech and that serves asa springboard into action. 6.

Weick sensemaking

Sensemaking involves coming up … Sensemaking involves turning circumstances into a situation that is comprehended explicitly in words and that serves as a springboard into action. In this paper we take the position that the concept of sensemaking fills important gaps in organizational theory.

Thousand  av M Liljenberg · 2013 · Citerat av 16 — Weick menar att meningsskapande är en ständigt pågående process: 'to talk about sensemaking is to talk about reality as an ongoing accomplishment that. Som jag förstår det så är hela livet egentligen ett enda pågående ”sensemaking” (Weick, 1995) vilket jag gärna vill härleda från bla. Piaget och  av H Kock · 2020 — (”sensemaking”, Weick, 1995) och kan beskri- vas som konstruktion (och rekonstruktion) av olika involverade parter för att skapa mening i syfte att förstå den  av E Strömbäck · 2020 — Sensemaking innebär att man utvecklar betydelser för att rationalisera det man gör eller har gjort (Weick,.
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He is the Rensis Likert Distinguished University Professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan . Se hela listan på Sensemaking theory describes the ongoing process of individuals and organizations noticing events, interpreting those events, socializing them, and finally, acting (Weick et al. 2005).
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Karl Weick's concepts of Loose and Tight Coupling have been a very helpful extension of systems theory's notion of interdependence. This video compares and c

Sensemaking Se hela listan på Ifølge Karl Weick (1995) er der syv aspekter af sensemaking processer. Du kan forfølge hvert af disse aspekter med et konkret spørgsmål om meningsdannelse om fusionen. Spørgsmålene giver dig en nuanceret forståelse af, hvad der er lykkedes og ideer til, hvad du kan tage fat på som næste skridt. Sensemaking är ett begrepp som används för att beskriva hur organisationer förstår och skapar sin verklighet och mening (Colville & Murphy, 2006). Prospektiv, eller framåtriktad, sensemaking definieras enligt Gioia som ”ett medvetet och avsiktligt övervägande av den Initially, Weick (1969; 1979) models their relationship as linear, focusing on how organizing functioned as a context for sensemaking, an approach we label Sensemaking in Organizing. Later, however, Weick (1995a; 2005) construes their relationship in more dynamic, interactive, and reciprocal cycles, modelling sensemaking as the process whereby organizing is achieved, an approach we label consider sensemaking as the sense of the employees is the most critical factor for a successful change process.